4-60 minute sessions

4-60 Minute Treatment Sessions* For a total of $300 (excludes the initial appointment). This is a $40 savings. Packages have an expiration of 60 days from purchase to encourage consistent body work and to assist you in accelerating your journey to wellness. Treatments...

Helped me tremendously

MFR so far has helped me tremendously with my chronic injuries – especially my neck and shoulders. The relief has been priceless – I love to sleep and being able to function! – Molly O.


Five months after surgery to mechanically repair my humerus which I had broken six months earlier, I had limited range of motion and could not use my arm, although I was doing exercises as instructed. I felt as though I had a “band” around the area that...

Very grateful

Gina introduced me to Myofascial Release for which I am very grateful. She took the time to explain it to me and was very professional in guiding me through my early experiences. Like so many opportunities in life you realize only after experiencing it what it can do...